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Bursary Policy

The Growth Company aims to support young people to participate in non-waged programmes regardless of their financial situation and circumstances. Our study programmes and traineeships operate an ‘open door’ policy for all young people that meet Education Funding Agency (EFA) eligibility requirements. This policy relates to all learners at The Growth Company attending a programme funded by the EFA, subject to meeting eligibility criteria detailed in this policy and as required by the funding body. This policy covers bursary funding which is designed to help learners who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education or training post-16. The Growth Company will ensure that all applications for the Bursary funds are considered on the same basis irrespective of age, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, belief or faith.

The Growth Company administers three types of Bursary Fund in line with the EFA 16-19 Bursary Fund Guidelines. The Growth Company also pays learning allowances in some circumstances through its own funds.

Receipt of any bursary will be conditional on the young person meeting agreed standards of attendance and behaviour.

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