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Having strong basic skills in maths and English is more important than ever. Whether you're looking to improve your everyday life, boost your career prospects, or lay the groundwork for further education, a Functional Skills - Maths and English course can be a game-changer. 

Key Facts


17 weeks


Fully Funded for Greater Manchester residents who meet the eligibility criteria.

Delivery Location



On successful completion, learners will achieve a Functional Skills, Maths and English Certification (Entry 3, Levels 1 and 2). 

Course details

Functional Skills - Maths 

Topics covered include:

  • Use of number and the number system
  • Use of common measures, shape and space
  • Handling information and data
  • Solving mathematical problems and decision making

Functional Skills - English

Topics covered include: 

  • Speaking - Listening and Communicating - this will include extended narratives and information (information may be on technical, concrete, or abstract topics), discussions, detailed explanations and presentations, all at varying lengths.
  • Reading - This should include a range of straightforward and complex texts on a range of topics and of varying lengths that instruct, describe, explain, and persuade
  • Writing – Text: this will include straightforward and complex texts such as articles, narratives, explanations and reports of varying lengths. Spelling, punctuation and grammar and writing composition 


The programme will be delivered online. Learners will need the following: 

  • Access to a computer 
  • Access to Microsoft Teams
  • A Microsoft email address is required (eg. Hotmail, outlook, gmail, MSN, Xbox etc)
  • Microsoft Office software 

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this course, however learners should attend an enrolment session in Greater Manchester. 

Book onto an Enrolment session here: Functional Skills Maths and English Enrolment Sessions Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

What to expect in the Enrolment session:

  • The enrolment session will take approximately 2 ½ hours.
  • Learners complete an Initial Assessment and Diagnostics to determine the appropriate qualification level.
  • The session includes completing an online application and paperwork for funding.

Prior to enrolment, you will complete an assessment, and the outcome of the assessment will decide which level you will be enrolled on.

Eligibility for funding:

Functional Skills Maths and English courses are FREE to individuals (including those who are employed on the day they start their programme of learning) who:

  • live in Greater Manchester
  • have lived in the UK for 3 years or more
  • are aged 19+
  • have not previously attained a GCSE grade A* to C or grade 4 to 9 in English and maths
  • do not hold a Functional Skills qualification above or at the level being applied for


Functional Skills qualifications provide a stepping stone to higher-level qualifications, such as GCSEs, apprenticeships, and vocational courses.




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